
Throughout human history there have been numerous points of world-wide change, where the ideas seem as if there was something in the air. I’ve been following a natural path, laid down by our predecessors, and I can’t help but feel as if there is something in the air now. I think where entering an era that is going to be a pivotal point in humanity. The following is a new academic field I created in pursuit of my own degree. The simple idea to search for unity and my willingness to go as far as it will take me, has inspired a lot of word-play, but more importantly, it has allowed my creativities to introduce some interesting concepts and terminologies.

Phieldology is an umbrella-field for everything; all-disciplinary, all-knowledge, and an all-reality understanding. Phieldism is the pursuit of Phieldology through discovering, unifying, documenting, and understand everything in the form of the (Tree-OE). This also includes the study of separateness in order to acknowledge the full spectrum of reality, and to best understand what is being unified. A key concept in Phieldism is the more we understand the (Tree-OE), the more we will know what a (TOE) needs to be.

One starts out a Unify Fieldsman simply by choosing too be one. This is someone who searches for unity. The only requirements are curiosity, creativity, and the desire to learn. If a Unify Fieldsman has acknowledged the universe as their true school and teacher, and has shown enough self discipline in their educational pursuit, they can earn a degree in the field of Unififieldsology as a Unififieldsologist. This is the levels of education from associate to bachelor, then masters. A students job is to study and unify the seven major fields, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, through building their own model of the (Tree-OE). Mathematics, other major fields and sub-fields are also a prerequisite.

The Agenda Field provides the curriculum guidelines. The Unified Field Introduction should be referred to as well, and if any questions arise that don’t appear to have an obvious answer, use the precedent set by this book, holistically. Each degree requires the student to complete fifty courses and the construction of one forth of their own personal (Tree-OE).

One can obtain a doctrine by finishing the required courses, and completing a thesis based on a specialized concept for their own (Tree-OE). This is something that could become a contribution to the Tree Of Everything canon. A doctor becomes a Unified Fieldsman with the title Unifiedfieldsologist in the field of Unifiedfieldsology. One with this degree focuses on understanding the (Tree-OE), refining it where necessary, and studying how to use its knowledge, while continuing to pursue an equation and performable experiment for a (TOE). At this point, one should have a level of wisdom that is very good at answering the big questions.

Applied-Unifiedfieldsology uses a full spectrum of knowledge for practical application in real-world situations. Unifiedfieldsologist’s specialize in problem solving and task achieving from an interdisciplinary position. This qualifies them to put together a team of multidisciplinary people and lead it in pursuit of achieving whatever the given job may be.

A degree in Phieldology is achieved when a Unifiedfieldsologist has discovered a (TOE). The completion of another fifty courses is also required. In achieving these requirements, one is awarded a new kind of PH.D, “A degree in Phieldology”. This is when one becomes a Phieldman and Phieldologist in the field of Phieldology. In entering this age a Phieldologist will now be working with the study of Phield Mechanics, how to integrate it into the design of the (Tree-OE), and applying this knowledge ethically, for the greater good, in real-world situations.

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