We who participate in this Unified Field mission are journeymen of a certain breed. Armed with our agenda, it’s time to set out. The universe is waiting for us! Even though (TUF) is physics, it’s going to take many areas of study, and their relationships with physics, to do justice in proving (TUF) exists, what it’s principle is, and to know what it means for the human race, as well as study (C) along the way.
There is a reductionist view that believes everything reduces to physics. Now we need to do some reducing. In this situation, when getting started, there are many major fields to choose from. Fields in this case being the active practices and academic disciplines of human knowledge. Now it has become a unified field in a field discipline sense.
So, where in the fields shall we start? The expanded view of (RH) does have a natural list and order of major fields built into it. I also had the realization that in it’s true form, knowledge is much more complicated than coming up with a list of disciplines and putting them in a certain order. If you get into all the different sub-fields that branch out, the directions, sequences, and various ways they can interact, appear to be endless. This is a big reason why keeping a (FMF) makes for good research. (FMF) can also serve as a type of travel log, because we will be bouncing around within many fields.
The logic that guides our list of fields starts with how this book uses philosophy and science to explain the universe. From here we just need to fill in the middle. Philosophy is on one end and physics is on the other. Science has already laid out the order of psychology, biology, and chemistry. Now the expanded version of reductionism just needs to fill in between philosophy and psychology. Where the agenda also includes the study of (C), it only makes sense to do it through the human experience. This brings us to the social sciences, and anthropology and sociology fit very nicely here.
The following are descriptions for the fields that will be playing a very big roll in our endeavor.